Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What are some of the features that come with buying a rolls royce phantom?

What are some of the features that come with buying a rolls royce phantom? what could possibly be so great in it to make it cost $400,000|||you could also get a Zonda F they cost 350,000 and go from 0 to 124 in 10seconds and reach up to 215mph .|||Lifetime supply of Viagra? Ok, maybe not. In reality, they are hand-built cars, made in very low quantities (like 100 a year or something like that). They are made of some of the finest materials in the world, such as real wood on the dash that is something like $400 a foot, leather than is $1000 a square yard, etc. Then the labor to put it all together, you can't just pay any schmuck $10/hr to assemble a car like that when the seat has about $15000 in materials, so you have to pay assemblers trained specifically for building Rolls Royces. Then there's all the electronics, the functional parts like the engine, transmission, suspension, etc. Mostly, though, you pay for exclusivity, to know that there's only a handful of others around the world.|||You get a d*****bag card to go in your wallet and some grey poupon. But no seriously, to us regular people, theyre not worth it. If I had enough money, a paid for house/mansion, id get one too. I think you get an umbrella holder in the door. im serious!

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