Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What is the cost of a Fake Japanese Rolls Royce? Also, what is the name of the brand?

Is there a name of a company that copies the look of a Rolls Royce? What is the name of the manufacturer that makes the copy? How much does it cost too?

Thank you, Very much.|||I believe the Toyota Century is the closest it gets. It's one of the only home-market limousines and is commonly used as a transport for Japanese statesmen and other high-level public figures. The Century not so much a "fake Rolls Royce" as it is Japan's patriotic answer to the luxurious transports favored by European royalty.

Apparently they retail for somewhere around U.S. $120,000.

Info on the Century:鈥?/a>|||First off, i dont believe its japanese try chinese.鈥?/a>

by the way, im first so if anyone copies my answer and just act like they answered it god|||Yes.

Chrysler 300c.

They copied the look of the RollsRoyce.

And there are bodykits to make them look 90% identical.|||i think ebay has them for $100.00|||Ah No there isn't

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