Wednesday, September 14, 2011

On the Myspace mobsters application how much do you get if you sell the Rolls Royce?

I just got the Rolls Royce on mobsters but i was wondering 2 things if i won another tournament do i gain another ,,, and if i sell it how much do i get ? Thanks |||I think its 50 cents because it says 1 dollar and the vehicle sells for half price. And I think yuo can get another rolls royce if you dont have one but if you do i think you cant because i have 1 and i have about 100,000 dollars in chips|||You don't get anything for selling it. I just sold mine, thinking they would give me the 50 cents, but I got "ZERO". The BIG Goose Egg.

It was a waste of time getting the Rolls. Maybe at lower levels.

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