Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What are highest price recorded for any Rolls-Royce auto-mobile to date?

In the middle east one type of Rolls Royce can be worth 1 or 2 million of a local currency. This amount is enough to at the very least buy 10 cars that cost 50,000 also of the local currency.|||There are two that are close, one vintage, one modern.

1904 Rolls-Royce 10hp Two-Seater - $5.2 million鈥?/a>

Phantom bullet-proof limousine - $3.8 million鈥?/a>|||Actually the most valuable Rolls Royce is the original Silver Ghost. Built in 1907 on a 40/50 chassis, the car has had over 1-million miles put on it without an overhaul and is completely unrestored. The car is currently owned by Rolls Royce and the estimated insured value is over $100-million.

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