Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rolls Royce?

I've heard that in order to own a Rolls Royce the buyer has to be like a Prince, King or something... I've also heard that even a president is not allowed to buy it... meaning they won't even sell it to a President... rest aside a millionare businessman.... now... does anyone know if this is true or jus a lie?

P.S- anyone know how the process of buying a Rolls Royce is different then buying a regular car like Mistubishi, Mazda, Nissan, or other car makes? ANDDDD if you were buying a Rolls Royce could you finance it? Thanks :)|||Anyone with the cash can purchase one.|||you will be surprised how many people can afford it, they just don't want to show off

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|||My former employer has owned A Rolls, her favorite thing is to say that anyone can buy a Rolls but damn few people can afford to keep it running.|||ANYONE CAN BUY A ROLLS ROYCE. THERE IS NOTHING SPECIAL ABOUT IT EXCEPT THE SALEPERSON WILL TREAT YOU LIKE A KING. THEY RELY ON PAY COMMISSION. IF YOU DON:T LIKE THROWING YOUR MONEY AWAY, IT BEST TO LEASE IT. THESE VEHICLES ARE NOT RELIABLE AND EXPENSIVE TO MAINTAIN IT. THE PARTS IS THE SAME AS VOLKWAGEN OR AUDI EXCEPT THEY CHARGE THEM 3 OR MORE TIMES HIGHER BECAUSE IT SAY ROLLS ROYCE|||You just need the money, and time to wait for the car. They typically do not provide an inventory of these cars, so they will have to be custom ordered.

You may finance this car, just like anyother car. What you will find different is the way you are treated. Same kind of thing between a BMW dealer and a chevy dealer.|||This may have been true in the past, but it is no longer true.

If I were buying a Rolls Royce, I wouldn't be worried about the financing, as I could afford a Rolls Royce! Used ones are readily available. Older ones (and even fairly recent ones) "burn oil" - you've been warned. Still, I would like to own a Rolls Royce just once in my life.

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