Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rolls royce???

is it true tht "rolls royce cars are given only after checking the background of that person?? n if its true thn hv been der ne case of rejecting d person's application%26gt;%26gt;

PLEASE REPLY SOON...|||No that is for the maybach but the rolls royce is for anyone that has got some KA-CHING!! (money ).

The maybach you have to go threw alot ....

Why lol ... are u thinkin of buying one and your back ground has got some crime in it lolol jk ....|||i don't know, but i love to get one :D, but i need money :(|||bunch of crap. you have the $$$ you'll get what you want|||I doubt it. There are to many no talent low life so called rap artist driving them to support that theory.|||They only check your background to see if you have enough money to pay for it. If you pay in cash they won't even bother.|||What are you worrying about?

Did you steel something??? LOL|||No its not correct as long as you have the money they are not interested in your life history.

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