Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What does a Rolls Royce make you think of?

So I've been looking for a car and that got me thinking about what my dream car is. Now I don't know much about cars, but I have always been fond Rolls Royce (especially the vintage ones). I think they look really classy, though I would never buy one (it's not practical or affordable). I told my brother much I like them and he says that they remind him of "old" people and pimps. What do you think?|||I think like most of the other people that answered your question. If you can own a Rolls Royce, you have tons of money. Hope this helps.|||I know someone with a 1933 Rolls, it's not expensive to run, it has a 3.7 litre engine! :P

Just very very expensive to buy and insure :/

It's practical though, there's loads of space, haha!|||Ordinary millionaires like to buy one to show off. Real rich folks such as Buffet or Gates can't be bothered by such futile frivolity.|||Millionaire's, billionaire's.|||Old money.

Not that it's true of course, but that's the image I see. Especially if they have a driver.|||empty wallet|||Riicchhhhh people|||BIG MONEY!! I LIKE IT!!!!

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