Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What is the rolls Royce's hood ornament called?

A good trivia question, what is a rolls Royce's hood ornament called?|||It was called "The Spirits of Ecstasy" but some people also called it "Flying Lady" or "Silver Lady." |||It's called, "The Spirit of Ecstasy", but some people called it, "The Flying Lady" or, "The Flying Venus". It can be power-retracted for safekeeping on some models.|||The Spirit of Ecstasy is the maine one pricing out at around $200000. there was also another one fron 1933 called the flying lady.|||Kneeling lady Spirit of Ecstasy!|||I've know it to be call the spirit of Ecstasy|||flying lady?|||It is known as the "flying lady"

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