Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How much do you need to earn a year to finance a Rolls Royce Phantom?

Also what job's could earn you that kind of money. The Rolls Royce Phantom is my dream it's so classic/ old-time looking. I have basically my whole life ahead of me because I'm pretty young but I'm planning on building my life around getting this car.|||Considering cost for insurance (which is surprisingly low for a car like this), gas, and the actual msrp of the Phantom, you will need to make at least $350,000 over, maybe, a 5-7 year period. Although, with Obama, fun cars will cease to exist.

Your investment idea is actually very bad. I would recommend getting a great house FIRST, THEN maybe consider to get the RR. Also, wait a little; the Rolls Royce Ghost is going to come out in a few months, and I believe it is a much better package.

By the way, I have a question, too.;鈥?/a>|||you need to make around 300K a year. I know someone with a $400,000 car and he leases it so this way he writes it off with his taxes end of the year for business. Start your own business and you need to establish good credit and have steady cash flow. Do what you're passionate about and you will succeed. This car is $4,000 mos lease. Also you will need a house with a garage and a second car because this cannot be your only car!! Invest your money in business first and buy the car LAST or you will end up loosing everything in the end!!|||First you need to have good credit to be financing a car like that without any issues. On top of that, add a 20% interest on top, include all the fees. Also think about how much "Full Coverage" insurance you would have to pay on the car.

When you finance a car, you need to pay Full Coverage insurance. And for a car like a rolls royce?? I think you'd be paying a lot just for insurance.

It's a bad investment in my opinion. But that's just my opinion.|||by the time you can afford one they wont be allowed on the obama planet|||100k!

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